Public Education Vs.
Other Educational Options
Hello. I am working on a few theories
on educational options but I need to do more research in order to
prove or disprove my theories. With this survey I may be able to
obtain the neccessary answers to back my personal research and
theories. In the process it should help many who are in need of this
information. All responses from this survey will be posted for
everyone to see. ANONYMOUSLY of
You can also print or save the
survey and have your child/children answer the questions off line.
The more responses we get the better. Please pass this Web Address
(URL) on to others that might be interested in seeing the results or
would like to contribute their own responses. I'm sure we will all
learn a lot from this survey.
Please have your child/children answer all of the questions
honestly to the best of their ability. I firmly believe this survey
is going to provide some very useful and helpful information to us
all. It may also help to open doors of communication between parents
and children.
Thank you so much for your time and cooperation. Both are
deeply appreciated!
With this survey we will try to
find the differences in educational options.
(This survey is for CHILDREN only)
No name or e-mail address will ever
be made public or added to a mailing list or sold to anyone. All
names and e-mail addresses are private and will remain private in
order to protect the anonymity of the submitters. All submissions
will become the property of EdSurvey
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